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Home News Application of the whole steel structure in the metallurgical mine project (Part 1)

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Application of the whole steel structure in the metallurgical mine project (Part 1)


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In view of metallurgical mine projects, more buildings in the construction are still used for concrete structures, and steel structures are usually applied to many aspects such as maintenance platforms, support, brackets, and large span covers. Its main factors are mainly divided into two aspects. One factor is that after the founding of the country, for a long time, my country has always been in the phenomenon of severe insufficient steel output, which leads to a certain limitations of the application of steel structures; in addition On the other hand, due to the influence of the accumulation of years, most designers are more familiar with the concrete structure, so they are more willing to apply concrete structures, which has a serious impact on the promotion and application of steel structures based on this. The main characteristics of the steel structure include a variety of advantages such as short construction period, high accuracy, high strength light quality, and simpler for demolition and transformation. Based on this, the instance of the project is introduced in metallurgical mining projects.

1、The advantage of steel structure in engineering construction

1.1 Structure Lightweight and High strength, good seismic performance

The main materials that have just been adopted by the steel structure include Q235 and Q355 steel. Its structure has a high strength. Once the load of the same degree is needed, compared with other structures, the self-weight of the steel structure will be lighter than other structures, and and of. The seismic effect of the steel structure is relatively low. In addition, it is very easy to install and transport the steel structure. The main advantage of the steel structure is high. In the specific application process, it can give full play to the various performances just now, including high strength, strong plastic deformation ability, and strong ability. There are many characteristics such as high latency and relatively high coordination and deformation capabilities for different constructions. At the same time, it has the ability to resist deformation and seismic resistance. It is a structure with a high degree of safety.

1.2 Energy-saving consumption reduction, resource resource can be reused

The specific consumption resources of the steel structure building are about 900kg/m2. However, the consumption resources of the steel mixed structure are usually above 1700kg/m2. In the process of construction engineering or demolition, it can reduce pollution to the environment and air. After the life of the building expires in the specific application process, the solid waste generated during the demolition of the structure is relatively low. Higher recycling value. The method of referring to the steel structure construction is a thousand-type construction. This method is more saved in water use, and the construction area occupied is small. The noise and dust are not high and will not affect people. Structural buildings can meet the relevant standards of my country, meet the regulations and requirements of energy conservation and consumption reduction and sustainable development in my country, and can improve economic and social benefits and environmental benefits. At present, my country’s coal mines are relatively serious. Compared with the original design of the mine service, the specific production period of the mine is also constantly shortening. The structure cannot meet the expectations of the design and use period. It has caused serious waste of Chinese mines. Based on this, if the steel structure can be demolished and reconstructed by the application of steel structures, it can greatly increase recycling value and significance. However, the concrete structure and the gas structure building is meaningless and effectively compared with.

1.3 Flexible structure layout, strong adaptability

Structure layout flexible, strong adaptability light steel structure column distance and opening layout has strong flexibility, according to the specific needs and standards of each process, equipment layout and other aspects can be better adapted to all the walls belong to the non-bearing wall, with strong flexibility of division, promote the future renovation; The main materials used in its exterior wall belong to the lightweight type, and the color is very rich, so it not only has a good appearance image, but also can promote the beautification of the factory area, and has many advantages.

1.4 Compliance with industrial policy

The industrialization of steel structure is high, and in the specific production process, it has the advantages of series, scale, and factory. Compared with the traditional brick-concrete structure and steel concrete structure in the past, the construction cycle of the steel structure is short and the cost is low. The efficiency in the application process can effectively reduce construction costs and improve economic and social benefits. In the specific application process, the construction method of the steel structure is mainly used. It is mainly carried out through the on-site lifting assembly and the construction method of all-weather operations. It is necessary to perform various procedures such as steel bars bundle with a small amount of concrete structure. This application can reduce the construction period of the site. In the process of connecting different steel structures, it is mainly connected through welding. In this way, it can make more simplify the procedures in accordance with the rules and regulations, thereby improving the overall efficiency and purple floods of the on-site construction, which effectively shortens the investment recovery period of the enterprise, thereby reducing the investment recovery period of the enterprise. improve corporate economic benefits.

1.5 The advantages of good economic benefits and small steel structures have many advantages and have excellent performance, and they have excellent performance. They can reduce their own weight. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the building of the building and reduce the treatment of the foundation pit and the foundation of the foundation. cost. At the same time, the concrete materials that can reduce the foundation of consumption and pour the foundation have a significant application advantage in the application of steel structures for poor foundation conditions for the construction site, and the economic significance is very obvious. It can be seen that the steel structure construction process can greatly improve the construction speed, shorten the construction cycle, and just in the specific application of the later period has a high recovery value, reduce the construction investment of coal mine, and constantly strengthen the relevant ability of enterprises to adjust investment and resist risks.